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Hi, I'm Chris Davenport. I'm an entrepreneur and I help people get what they want from their business.

Every challenge is a problem seeking a solution.


For nearly three decades, I’ve helped thousands of people achieve
more with less stress putting technology to work for them.

I get it because I’ve lived the good, the bad and the ugly of the entrepreneurial adventure. My success taught me what it takes to thrive – not just survive.


Armed with best practices and a proven process, I teach others to overcome challenges and thrive.


Request a free meeting with me and let me show you how I can help you get what you want from your business

About Me
Let's Talk

Houston Business Coaching Services

Business Owners Get Tested Daily.
The simple truth is that nothing is harder than starting, growing and running a business.  All-in with everything on the line, the stakes and the pressures defy words. I’ve succeeded, failed, been knocked down, got back up, kept going and found a way. You can, too, with help finding yours.


Step-By-Step Guidance to Succeed.
Business challenges are problems seeking solutions. For nearly three decades: I’ve helped thousands of people achieve more with technology working for them, not enslaving them. Today, with proven tools anchored by best practices, I coach, mentor and teach others .


Technology Links Every Business.
Obsessed by technology since childhood, I built a technology company  because technology is at the heart of every business. Providing great service that demystifies technology and simplifies systems, we’ve survived and thrived. It’s been hard, really hard. Growth and success can be cruel masters.


Good Times, Bad Times and ...
Good times and bad times, both offer powerful lessons. Business is cyclical; tough times inevitable. Cutting corners invites disaster; growth stresses values, strains systems and tests relationships. Talent is hard to acquire and harder to retain. When things go south there seems no way forward. But there is.


Discovering a Path to Success.
I’m a problem-solver. While there is no single fix, best business practices prevail, and accountability and structure are essential. Business savvy needs to be supplemented with emotional intelligence that will support accountable systems bringing out the best in your people as one team pulling together.


Determined to Make Difference.
My road had success as well as turmoil, frustration, sleepless nights and fear of failure. Now I’m determined to give back, helping others avoid what I learned the hard way. To find your path forward, I don’t fix it for you, I teach you to run your business with less stress to reach your goals and thrive.

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